Books & Podcasts For Manufacturers

From Tips And Insights To Industry News, You’re Sure To Find Something That’s Right Up Your Alley.
american dragon manufacturing book

American Dragon

As Described On Amazon: During the last two decades of the twentieth century, China built a manufacturing juggernaut that propelled the offshoring phenomenon and led to the loss of millions of Us manufacturing jobs. To compete with the onslaught of cheap imported products, many Us companies began cutting corners. They sacrificed quality, which drove even more people to buy foreign-made goods. Michael McKeldon Woody, formerly an executive at a domestic pen manufacturer, learned the hard way that these competitors were relentless, and eventually acquiesced to the inevitability of offshoring. But in 2006 he stumbled upon a Us textile business, Trans-Tex Llc, which gave him the opportunity to pursue a rematch with his old nemesis, China.

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the innovator’s dilemma

As Described On Amazon: Offering both successes and failures from leading companies as a guide, The Innovator’s Dilemma gives you a set of rules for capitalizing on the phenomenon of disruptive innovation.

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Faster, better, cheaper in the history of manufacturing

As Described On Amazon: Faster, Better, Cheaper” in the History of Manufacturing follows [manufacturing] throughout the ages. This book covers not only the technical aspects (mechanization, power sources, new materials, interchangeable parts, electricity, automation), but organizational innovations (division of labor, Fordism, Talyorism, Lean). Most of all, it is a story of the people that invented, manufactured, and marketed the products.

making it

As Described On Amazon: There are many ways in which a product can be manufactured but most designers know only a handful of techniques. Informative and incredibly easy to use, this bestselling book discusses more than a hundred production methods in detail. Making It appeals not only to product designers but also to interior, furniture, and graphic designers who need access to a range of production methods, as well as to all students of design.

Manufacturing happy hour

As Described On Apple Podcasts: Hosted by industry veteran Chris Luecke, each week, we interview makers, founders, and other manufacturing leaders that are at the top of their game and give you the tools, tactics, and strategies you need to take your career and your business to the next level. We go beyond the buzzwords and dissect real-life applications and success stories so that you can tackle your biggest manufacturing challenges and turn them into profitable opportunities.

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Manufacturing tomorrow

As Described On Apple Podcasts: Manufacturing Tomorrow is a podcast series brought to you by the Ohio Manufacturing Institute at The Ohio State University. Featuring the perspectives of manufacturing leaders, we focus on the advanced manufacturing innovations, solutions and partnerships that exist in our region now and that will propel industry in the future.

the Manufacturing show

As Described On Apple Podcasts: In this podcast, you’ll hear from experts that focus on industrial and manufacturing topics and learn the latest trends, ideas, and breakthroughs along with practical tools you can use to stay on top of your game. Listen to real people in the trenches every day just like you!

the Manufacturing report

As Described On Apple Podcasts: Manufacturing is having a moment. But what will it actually take to create more blue-collar jobs and strengthen our industrial base? Alliance for American Manufacturing President Scott Paul chats with policymakers, manufacturing experts and factory workers to find out.

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advanced Manufacturing now

As Described On Apple Podcasts: SME Media is a leading source for news and in-depth technical information about advanced manufacturing in North America.