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Our Employees are some of the Greatest Machine operators that we have come in contact with. Making sure that everyone knows what is going on at the shop at all times is a must. We work with the top of the line machinery and tools that are available. Most of our products include a steady process of CNC machining to insure the quality and consistency of the products we are sending to our customers. With the understanding that quality takes time, we hope you realize we are working our best and fastest to make sure that you get the best product that you need and that everything is in proper working order before it leaves our shop.
One of our main products is tube mill tooling in the cut-off area such as die jaws, die guides and complete die sets including rework and sharpening. Other tubemill items we commonly manufacture are mill shafts, dedent plugs, strippers, mandrels, star wheels, tally wheels, stands, spacers, strip guides, entry tables, attribute gages, and many other parts made per customer specs. We also specialize in checking fixture design & build. We custom manufacture attribute as well as SPC fixtures for many industries including automotive and glass container manufacturing. We design per GD&T and customer specs. All of our automotive fixtures are certified via an independant third party A2LA certified lab or equivalent.
(Example Searches: Devore Engraving INC, CNC company, deburring, or similar )
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