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Bryan Die Cast Products has specialized in high pressure zinc die casting since 1964. We cast parts for automotive, small tool, pump, fastener, appliance, packaging and recreational industries both decorative and functional. Bryan Die Cast specializes in small to medium zinc castings ranging from 10 grams to 2 pounds. We are a single source supplier from concept to prototype to production castings. We offer competitive pricing for small quantities to large volumes. We offer value added focus on CNC machining and other secondary processing including assemblies. Located in NW Ohio, our manufacturing facilities are convenient to transportation sources for all midwest, eastern and southern states.
Hess Industries builds progressive and transfer dies for the metal stamping industry. As well as providing In-Die Value Added tapping and clinching solutions for other tool shops all over the world.
(Example Searches: Devore Engraving INC, CNC company, deburring, or similar )
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