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Sandkuhl manufactures and distributes a wide range of clay, ceramic and affiliated products that are used in applications including residential fireplaces and chimneys, commercial construction, wine storage, steel and iron casting, agricultural drainage and various custom OEM ceramic shapes and parts.
At Miracle Welding Inc., we offer unparalleled expertise and know-how. From TIG welding, Arc welding and MIG welding, we’re your welding solution. We also sell steel, stainless steel, aluminum, and other metals. They are available in all kinds of shapes, which include beams, channels, angles, flat bars, pipe, tube, rounds, squares, sheet, and plates, in stock for all your needs. We feature more than 150 tons of inventory at our 4 ½-acre facility, so be sure to stop by our location.
(Example Searches: Devore Engraving INC, CNC company, deburring, or similar )
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