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Our mission is to supply parts completed within required tolerances, delivered on time to customer satisfaction. Our customers expect the best quality products and competitive pricing. We shall meet and exceed these expectations with technological expertise and an entire organization committed to continual improvement.
Custom Cutting tools to your print, contract tooling orders, unbeatable pricing on re-grinds, guaranteed on-time delivery, free shipping over $200.00, made in the USA, family-owned and operated. We offer regrinding services.
At APR TOOL, we feature a high tech production facility that is flexible and quickly adaptable to meet your specific needs. Our manufacturing capabilities span a broad range of products and industries.
Euclid Precision Grinding and Specialty Metals is a Provider of High Precision Abrasive Metal-Working Services
A one stop shop for all your precision grinding needs! From buying raw materials to delivery of finished parts, we manage all stages of the project from prototype to production. We work with ceramic, advanced materials, and most metals in a full range of hardness.
Since 1977, we have been delivering our customers the highest quality in precision grinding for the tool and die industry, mold makers, machine builders and rebuilders, the aircraft industry, and more. Learn more about our services.
(Example Searches: Devore Engraving INC, CNC company, deburring, or similar )
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