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Added Edge Assembly, Inc. is a custom electrical contract manufacturer founded in Cleveland, Ohio in 1991 by President and CEO Kurt Kodrich. From a company that started in the basement of Kurt’s parents’ home, Added Edge Assembly, Inc. has grown into a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility. Our products include standard electrical assembly products that can be customized for specific customer needs. As an industry leading value-added supplier, we strive to provide the highest level of service with exceptional results. We maintain extremely fast turnaround times and outstanding value.
We currently package over 8 million polybags of hardware per year while maintaining a strict accuracy adherence. This is accomplished with 6 high tech bagging lines which include 28 electronic counters and 7 weigh counters. Every bag is run over a check weighing scale and its contents are verified by a weight tolerance of .01 ounces. We also offer custom printing solutions for any kit produced (Part no.- Lot no.- Dates – Barcodes – Imagines, etc.)
Using both manual and automated processes we can customize bagging solutions at a cost effective price. Each year we produce millions of bags and kits while maintaining a strict accuracy adherence. We have been able to remain a viable and competitive supplier thru continuous improvements by reducing labor, inventory, distribution and warehousing costs across the supply chain.Regardless of size, scale, degree of complexity PSI has a custom solution for you. You can feel confident in knowing that your products will meet your satisfaction 100% of the time.
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